Biggest Uncomfort Zone Ever

Do you ever feel like you’re headed in the right direction and then get told it’s all wrong?

Today I want to clear the air.  I’m clearing the air for me and only me.  Sometimes if I talk this out in my head it makes more sense.

The week started out great, fantastic even.  I planned on spending time brainstorming on my novel.  Or should I say novels because I just put down my work on a three book series novel, to blog.

Now here is the reason I did this, which is still hard for me to swallow.  I started out Monday all excited and giddy to have the whole week to dedicate to writing.

On Tuesday I headed out to see an intuitive healer.  This I was super excited about.  You see, I have chronic neck pain and before I went straight into having surgery, I decided to look into alternative methods, and since I started my spiritual journey I thought well why not.

I started off Tuesday morning knowing exactly what I wanted out of life.  I clearly had no idea that was about to be ripped out from under me.

Long story cut a little shorter, my intuitive healer told me she didn’t see me writing novels.  What!?!?!  No novel?!?!  But I had worked so hard on this for six months and still going strong.  Putting every idea neatly into place.  Needless to say, I wasn’t having it.  There’s no way I’m going to let some lady tell me i’m not suppose to write a novel.  That’s my dream and i’m not having her tell me no.

Actually, that was exactly what I did.  I listened to what she had to say and she told me that I should start a blog.  What?!!?!  I had no idea and still have no idea how to start a blog.  I’m just learning and the reason I took this on is because she didn’t only say this once and shatter my dreams into millions of pieces, she said this numerous times.  So, here I am world.  Blogging it out and trying to make sense of this thing we call life.

What crazy things have you guys have happen to you that’s changed your life path completely?


Start to a Beautiful Relationship

I started this week off on a week’s vacation.  This week I had plans to spring clean my home, get organized, and work on my book.  Not once did I think I would use this week off work to start a blog.  I made this list of things to do because I thought it would make me happy to accomplish these things.  Then I had a thought, is everyone out there doing the same?  Are we all going day by day looking for things that will make us happy?  If so what makes us happy?

We all have different ideas about what makes us happy, but are they true to our soul?  Is that the purpose of it all?  Do we need to stop and find out what makes our souls happy?  I think this is my reason for starting this blog.  I want to find out how to make my soul happy.  How do I undo the thirty-five years of damage that I have done to my soul?  How do I repair and remake my soul so that I am happy and in love with life?

This is the start of my journey to a healthy, happy, soul.  I know I’m not the only one out there longing to be happy and in love with life.  Who else is with me?